Monday, August 16, 2010

Murphy's Law

I have this haunting feeling that Murphy's Law is following me. When I say this to people, mostly they think I'm joking, and I guess I kind of am, but a part of me kinda believes it.

I had two sales on etsy this weekend. Both in one day. I don't think I've ever had two sales in one week before. Not because my stuff isn't awesome, because it is. If you don't believe me, go check it out. Awesome, I tell you. I simply don't advertise, nor have I made new things in quite a while. My shop has a grand total of 10 items right now. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised when the two sales came. Considering the two buyers were from two different states, I doubt they're related in some way. If they are, kudos for advertising for me, folks! =)

I do realize that this is a terrible example of Murphy's Law, yes. The point of the story is yet to come.

I decided that the time has come to break out the sewing machine and whip up some new creations. The process involved removing the thick layer of dust that has settled over my machine. Apparently I already had a few fabrics cut out for a not-yet-started mini wallet, so I figured I'd start with that. I even had a button pre-picked out. I was jamming along to Bob Marley when The Law started acting up. My machine refused to function for more than 5 seconds without wire getting tangled. I think I spent more time fixing it than I did sewing. My pre-picked button fell out of my hands, and I swear it fell into some sort of abyss because it is NOT anywhere on my floor. I know this, because I recently cleaned my room and the level of things on the floor are down to a minimum. I ran out of string halfway through. Every stitch was not coming out the way I wanted it to. Everything that could possibly go wrong did, apart from my sewing machine exploding.

So much for refilling my etsy store... Though considering the circumstance, the finished product didn't come out as bad as I expected it to. I'll post it up when I'm less lazy and annoyed, I assume.

Peace & hugs