Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ok, well, this is my first time blogging. I never thought I'd get into the whole blogging thing, but here I am. Honestly, I figured this is a good place to advertise, or so I've heard...

I guess I'll start at the beginning...

My name is Sigal. Yes, that's a strange name. It's not pronounced "seagull". I am not a bird...
I'm originally from Israel, and currently residing in south florida and hating it. There really is nothing interesting here, as opposed to many people's opinions.

I read. A lot. I've read hundreds of books, most of them fiction. My favorite books tend to be ones that not many people have heard of (examples of authors being Walter Moers, Steven Hall, Terry Goodkind, Patrick Rothfuss...)

I'm a college student, and trying to make a living off of anything I can. My most recent try is through Etsy. I opened a store and started posting some wallets and bags that I made. Everything I make is done entirely by hand. This is probably due to the fact that I don't have a sewing machine. But I do what I can.. You can (and should!) visit my store at


let me know what you think! comments would be appreciated (sales, more so..)

Well, that's all I have right now. I'll try to post things of more interest in the relatively near future.



  1. Welcome to the blogging world! :D It is fun trust me. As a former fellow college student, sometimes you just need a place to get away and write!

  2. Post some more. Blogs are fun to write and to read!

  3. Cool -- so you did start a blog -- good for you! Luv your wallets! You've given my inspiration!
